Featuring our lovely Alpacas
Ever After Alpaca Farm
Alpaca Tours, Photo opportunities, and
Premiuim Alpaca Products
**We are an Appointment Only Farm **
Please book at the above "Book Online" link
If the booking system goes down, you can e-mail heidi@everafteralpacafarm.com to purchase your booking.
SEASON 6 starts April12th!
The first half of the season is posted! The first half of hte season will end July 20th. We will open for the second half of our season on August 23rd and got through at least the end of November (maybe more if the weather is nice!)
​We will have some pop-up tours and private tours prior to this date when the weather is nice. Keep your eye on Facebook and Instagram for annoucements about any pop-up tours. ​
We hope to see you on the farm!
Any questions: email us at heidi@everafteralpacafarm.com


Season Six is almost here!
Season 6 begins April 12, 2025!
Alpaca Interaction Encounter!
Do you want to come spend time with the Alpacas? Take the ultimate selfie with an alpaca? Play and frolic with a cria (baby alpaca)? Have an alpaca eat right out of your hand? Book online for your encounter! This makes a very interesting "Date Night" for that someone special (We are right across the street from the Pearmund Winery so you continue your date even after you leave the farm!) or an outing for your whole family! Check out our booking link!
Want a Private Alpaca Interaction Encounter????
This is a great option for birthday parties or any situation where you want it to be just your family and friends. For $300, you can have a private Alpaca Interaction for up to 15 people. You will have a regular tour with just your group and then have access to the picnic tables afterwards for a picnic lunch or birthday celebration. Additional people are only $14. We do require a non-refundable deposit of $100 to hold your reservation. That $100 will be deducted from your private tour total on the day of your event.
To schedule any of the above: please click on the booking link for Alpaca Interaction tours or e-mail us for private tours or if you have any questions at heidi@everafteralpacafarm.com